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apkg packaging tests

apkg provides a simple packaging tests runner based on Debian autopkgtest (DEP8) with extra features to allow cross-distro operation:

apkg test

apkg test assumes the packages in question are already installed on the testing system. They can be installed by apkg install or by any other means.

apkg test can be used independently on other apkg features, it only requires distro/tests directory.

To get information about tests, use -i/--info argument:

apkg test --info

Introduced in apkg-0.4.0

tests directory

distro/tests directory contains all test files and metadata as seen in debian/tests, for example:

├── control

Tests are run in project root.

control - tests metadata file

Packaging tests and their dependencies are defined in a metadata file called control with syntax as described in autopkgtest, for example:

Test-Command: echo 'shell command' | grep shell


Depends: python3

Restrictions: flaky

By default, it resides in distro/tests/control, but you can also provide per-distro control using tests extras.

Run a single test from distro/tests:


Run multiple tests from custom/tests tests directory:

Tests-Directory: custom/tests

Run a shell command:

Test-Command: foo --help

Run tests as root (use sudo if not root):

Restrictions: needs-root

Test-Command: echo `whoami`
Restrictions: needs-root

Define tests dependencies (distro packages to install):

Tests: test-a test-b test-c
Depends: tree, atool

Test-Command: foo
Depends: foo

tests extras

tests extras is an apkg-specific extension of autopkgtest which allows the reuse of packaging tests across different distros.

Optional distro/tests/extra directory contains individual extras in separate directories.

Each extra directory contains extra files to be templated using jinja and copied over a test-specific instance of distro/tests providing an universal way to control and even modify tests based on target distro.

To list all extras and other useful information, use

$> apkg test --info

tests path:         distro/tests (exists)
tests extras path:  distro/tests/extra (exists)
tests extras:
    arch: pkgstyle default: arch
    deb: pkgstyle default: ubuntu | debian | linuxmint | raspbian
    rpm: pkgstyle default: fedora | centos | rocky | rhel | opensuse | ...

testing distro:     arch rolling
tests control:      distro/tests/extra/arch/control (exists)
tests extra:        distro/tests/extra/arch

        Depends: pacman

extra files syntax

apkg uses jinja the great python templating engine with magic distro variable available.

Example control template:

Test-Command: echo distro: {{ distro }}

{% if distro.match('centos < 7') -%}
Depends: tree
{%- endif %}

{% if distro.match('fedora') -%}
{% elif distro.match('debian') -%}
{% elif distro.match('arch') -%}
Test-Command: pacman --version
{%- endif %}

include and include_raw tags are also available, see reusing code in templates.

You can view the rendered contents of active tests control file using -c/--show-control:

$> apkg test --show-control
$> apkg test --show-control --distro debian-12
$> apkg test -c -d fedora-38

extra selection

A tests extra (from distro/tests/extra/) is selected and used based on a target distro, taking distro aliases into consideration much like template selection.

To allow full control over tests, apkg provides 4 types of tests extra selection mechanisms (described below) which can be combined as needed.

You can also supply apkg test with --info and --distro arguments to check which template gets selected on a particular distro:

$> apkg test --info --distro debian-11
testing distro:     debian 11
tests control:      distro/tests/extra/deb/control (exists)
tests extra:        distro/tests/extra/deb

pkgstyle default extra

The simplest and most general type of tests extra that is used for any distro supported by selected packaging style.

Simply name the template directory in distro/tests/extra/ the same as the desired packaging style such as deb, rpm, nix, or arch and it will be used as a default for all distros supported by that style.

distro-specific extra

Extras in distro/tests/extra/ which aren't named as an existing packaging style are considered to be distro-specific. They are selected by apkg based on their name.

In simplest case, distro-specific extra is only selected when target distro matches its name:

  • debian: any Debian version (but not clones)
  • ubuntu: any Ubuntu version
  • fedora: any Fedora version

Additionally, specific distro version can be requested using - (dash) separator:

  • debian-12: Debian 12
  • ubuntu-22.04: Ubuntu 22.04
  • fedora-38: Fedora 38

Only numeric versions are supported, codenames such as buster or Focal Fosa won't work.

distro alias extra

Distro alias extras provide full control over their selection based on distro aliases defined in config.

When a tests extra name matches a defined distro alias, its distro rules are used to select the extra.

For example to use deb-old distro alias defined as follows:

name = "deb-old"
distro = ["debian < 9", "ubuntu < 20.04"]

simply create distro/tests/extra/deb-old extra and apkg will select it based on supplied distro rule - on Debian versions older than 9 and on Ubuntu versions older than 20.04.

default fallback extra (all)

The special all tests extra in distro/tests/extra/all is used as a fallback when no other extra is selected.

Use this if you need templating in default test files. If you don't need templating, use inline distro/tests/control instead.

You can use all extra with templating to have a single control file for different distros:

Test-Command: echo distro: {{ distro }}

{% if distro.match('centos < 7') -%}
Depends: tree
{%- endif %}

{% if distro.match('fedora') -%}
{% elif distro.match('debian') -%}
{% elif distro.match('arch') -%}
Test-Command: pacman --version
{%- endif %}

Debian autopkgtest compatibility

apkg test aims to reuse and share Debian packaging tests without modification, but it doesn't feature full autopkgtest compatibility.

supported autopkgtest features

  • define tests in control format as seen in Debian tests (debian/tests/control)
  • define tests using Tests or Test-Command
  • override tests dir using Tests-Directory
  • define test dependencies using Depends
  • tests marked with Restrictions: needs-root are run with sudo when user isn't root
  • tests marked with Restrictions: flaky are skipped on fail
  • tests may return code 77 to SKIP (by default, no skippable needed)

autopkgtest differences

  • Restrictions: allow-stderr is enabled by default as stderr is often used for logging without indicating error
  • Restrictions: skippable is enabled by default allowing tests to indicate SKIP by returning code 77 in order to prevent redundant skippable entries in control files

test command examples

Run tests:

apkg test

Run tests with verbose/brief logging:

apkg -L verbose test
apkg -L brief test

Run tests filtered by regex:

apkg test -k pattern

Display tests info:

apkg test --info

Display tests info for a distro:

apkg test --info --distro debian-11

List active tests:

apkg test --list-tests

List filtered tests:

apkg test -l -k pattern

Display test control file contents:

apkg test --show-control

Install test deps and run tests:

apkg test --test-dep

Install test deps:

apkg test-dep

List test deps:

apkg test-dep --list

Install both build and test deps with one command:

apkg build-dep --test-dep